Sugar Free September
The #1 Thing You Need To Know About Addictive Thinking
Do you feel like there's a magnet always pulling you back into the food?
The foods you so badly want to avoid..
It's relentless, isn't it!
It doesn't seem to let up, does it?
This is a very important and powerful message.... you don't have to pick up just because you want to!
Information Overload
Information is useless without implementation...
It's the action you take, based on the information you have, that gives you the traction you need for real forward progress...
This quick video says it all!
Dazzled By Bullshit
Do you look for solutions in all the wrong places?
I did it too... for years...
But... we need to know what we're dealing with... is it addiction or is it harmful use?
It can't be both... it's so important that we know which it is for certain, because they're treated in completely different ways.
We need the right information and we need the right help...
The Truth Behind Barbie
Did you know... Barbie was based on a doll sold to grown men in Germany?
The reason this is so important to know is... you're NOT a doll.. you're a person!
You're a unique individual with your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Society often tries to fit people, especially women, into narrow boxes and categories. But you're not a doll. You're a person... with your own ideas, needs, wants and values.
Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you. You deserve to be amo…
Consistency Over Intensity
Did you know that if you consistently do one small thing that benefits you... that alone is far more powerful than having the whole path laid out before you by a master?
You don't need more information... you need more action.
This is about building small and powerful habits that transform how you live AND how you feel.
Stretch! Don't Stress!
Are you feeling overwhelmed by a massive goal that you've set for yourself?
No idea where to even begin...
Want to break it down into little bite sized pieces?
Let me show you how!
Nervous? Do It Anyway!
Do any of these sound familiar?
What if I fail?
What if this doesn't work?
What will they think of me?
What will I do if ________ happens...?
These thoughts lead us nowhere...
It's said that the difference between those that achieve massive success and those that do not is one more attempt...
If you're nervous... you're afraid you might fail... try anyway...
Don't be afraid of failure - failure is in the past - but rather be on watch for fear of failure. That will drastically affect your f…
Sit On Your Hands
I sat on my hands... it was the only way I could keep the food out of my mouth when I started this journey.
My daughter kept a bucket in her bedroom to pee in... because she knew if she left her room, she would binge.
If you do whatever it takes, you will always have success.
Don't give up six feet before gold!
You CAN do this...
Listen to this to plug into the power of the No Matter What message.
Can You Commit To This One Thing?
The first bite is the only one you have control over; after that, all bets are off. It's crucial to remember that if you don't pick up, you can't get high.
It might seem obvious... but it's really important!
The School Of Starting Over
Start again....
As many times as you have to!
Don't look for perfection... take imperfect action!
Remember... repetition is the mother of all learning!
About two weeks ago my daughter Willow fell of a playground structure.
She fell from about 8 feet up and her face struck the structure and then the mulch on the ground. Her eye swelled instantly and her face was puffy... but do you want to know what she wanted to do more than anything else?
She wanted to conquer that structure... she had t…