
What if you could remove all the question marks you have about addiction?

Do I have a problem? Do I not have a problem?
What exactly is the problem? What do I do about the problem?

Imagine... knowing exactly what you're dealing with so you can have a personalized road map for your recovery... 

Addiction is not your fault... but Recovery is your responsibility!

The S.U.G.A.R. is a life altering motivational interview for those struggling with sugar addiction. It gives you a clear picture of when sugar began affecting your reward center and how it has progressed over the course of your life. On one page, the S.U.G.A.R. allows you to see all the harm you have suffered as a result of this potent drug. You'll have no doubts and you'll see you're not to blame. For most this is a huge relief. 

"After completing the S.U.G.A.R., I realized I could either take care of myself
or continue to kill myself! Now I have the clarity I needed - I choose life!" 
- Carolyn, SRx Recovery Circle Member

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