The Cookie Conundrum: How We Have Been Hijacked and Manipulated To Crave

Have you ever witnessed a moment so simple, yet so profound, that it altered your perspective on life? I have, and it involved a three-year-old, a cookie, and a flight to Florida.

The Power of a Cookie

On that fateful day, amidst the cramped space of an airplane cabin, a child's relentless cries pierced the air. It was the kind of situation that would make anyone's heart race—a desperate plea for calm. Then, like a scene from a modern-day parable, a flight attendant offered the child a cookie. The effect was instantaneous. The tears stopped, and a smile bloomed on her face. She hadn't even tasted the cookie; the mere anticipation was enough to soothe her.

This moment encapsulated a profound truth: **food changes how we feel, and it does so with startling speed**.

A Personal Reflection

When I stumbled upon a video clip of a similar incident, the reactions of onlooking adults—laughter, amusement—didn't resonate with me. Instead, I felt a wave of emotions: anger, sadness, and a sense of offense. It was as if this little girl, without even knowing it, was being set up for a lifetime of battling cravings, and possibly, addiction.

A little baby girl’s first bite of ice cream, and you can see it on her face, her reward system took over. She is seen digging her little baby fingers into that ice cream, can you imagine how cold and uncomfortable that must have been… but she simply couldn’t stop. 

I saw myself in her. I remembered the rush of stealing away with fruit snacks as a child, the wrappers I would hide, and the overwhelming mix of guilt and shame that followed. But here's the crucial part: **it's not your fault**. And it wasn't that little girl's fault either. Our society has normalized the addiction to food to the extent that we've coined it "normal lies."

What do you think is it normalized or is it normal lies?

The Bliss Point: A Calculated Hook

And then there's the concept of the "bliss point," a term that might be new to some. It's a formula crafted by food scientists—the perfect combination of flavors, colors, textures, and salt—all designed to ensnare our taste buds and keep us coming back for more. Despite this engineered setup, the blame is often shifted onto the individual.

They make it seem like its your fault… it’s a shame!

This scientific experiment from decades past has triggered a seismic shift in our food environment, one that has had fatal consequences for many.

The Video That Says It All

I invite you to watch this quick video that delves into the heart of this issue. As you do, I encourage you to reflect on your own experiences with food cravings.

Have you felt like you've been set up to crave certain foods? Have you struggled against the invisible forces of the food industry's bliss point? 

How about that little baby girl? Is she to blame? 

Let's Start the Conversation

Please, after watching, leave a comment below. Share your thoughts, your stories, and let's unravel this complex tapestry of food, emotions, and science together. It's time for an open dialogue about our food environment and how we can reclaim control over what we eat and, most importantly, over how we feel.

I Believe In You!

P.S. Your voice is powerful, and your story matters. Let's start the conversation and make a change. Leave a comment below… I want to know how you really feel about these two videos!



It seems it might take a while for me to fully accept this truth.  Intellectually, I know this is true.  I have lived with food cravings and food addiction since I was 11 years old when I used peanut butter and marshmallow cream to calm my fears.  It worked so well.  Thus began a lifelong journey of struggle.  Only in recent years when I went on keto have I found relief (now 71).  At last the cravings are calm.  But sometimes there is no space between the impulse and the action and I have done it again.  Breaks my heart for my granddaughter who is definitely carb addicted.  Sigh.  I have gotten a lot out of the materials I have received so far.  Especially love the food autonomy approach in helping people to choose their own food plan within the guidelines.  I will always be keto.  It works so well.

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I am 72 years old.  I divide my day into 3, 8-hour segments.  I sleep from 9pm-5am.  From 5am-1pm I am "fine". Then from 1pm-9pm the cravings are on high alert!.  ...but I'll start over tomorrow... ugh ! 

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I too was sad at watching that baby and the ice cream.  I turned to foods, SUGAR, when I was very young.  Not much love in my growing up years with family, I think I turned to food & sugar for comfort.  I would mix up sugar with butter & enjoy that.  It is very sad.  I have battled weight my entire life.  I'm 73 now.  And very thankful I found your site.  Found it when listening to a podcast.  I've just begun my new journey.  Thanking you in advance for all the new tools I'm learning. I need support.  I'm grateful!  

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I am 75 and obese.  I never really had significant cravings even when I was pregnant.  However, over the past several years I find myself craving sweets or salty snacks as never before even late at night.  I also seem to find myself thinking about food in general much more often.  I started using a sugar replacement (Splenda) in coffee & tea several years ago.  I wonder if that has significantly affected my Bliss Point?  Different opinions assail me … real sugar  vs. artificial.

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The Bliss Point is not new. My Gramma had it dialed in with her molasses cookies and apple pie. Crisco makes for a delightfully flaky crust. 

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Mary Davis

How do you Splenda in my tea and I’ve done that for years is that bad?

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